Senin, 30 September 2013

vinividivici's friend :D

Single is not Bad. Right (?)

Single? yeaah single :))
Im single now!! b)
Honestly.....sometimes, I miss and need someone who always there for me..
yaaa I call it a "boyfriend"
But, I dont understand. why for now I'm lazy to have a relationship dating..
I want to have many friends and are free to live my life..
Although one time I missed the figure lover, when I'm sad, when I'm happy and when I need a shoulder..
Now there is nothing else to be my lover.
I chose single. I want to settle down and have a lot of friends.
God, I'm sure. one day you will bring me with someone who is sincere and loves my self..
I'm tired, God..
I'm tired of having to fail again!!
The reason why I choose single and be firm to anyone who approached me is "I just want a serious relationship. I do not want to waste my time"
and I hope you'll understand what I mean, thanks!! :)

Jumat, 27 September 2013


Last night, I was crying bcause the same thing as yesterday. I dont understand what happened. I`ve a friend who hated me and tried to make me shunned by everyone. I realized, Im not perfect. but why she tried to make my life ruined? but I didnt hate and harass her life, I heard the reason she hates me is bcause Im cocky, arrogant, and often approached handsome man.
I was away, I went out of the environment, I want quiet and I'm sure I'm right!
and now, some of my other friends feel what I feel, they`ve opened her eyes and see the real situation.
I could only smile because I dont want to remember what I was feeling before.
Im sure, the true will be revealed! people are envious and trying to impose my will fall and disappear!
I never tried to influence my other friends to hate her or tell them about her ugliness, but they experience it.
and finally what I think and what I fear does happen, she thought I had incited them to stay away from her. I am angry, I am dissapointed. suck!!
if I dont have the patiences, I've wanted to go to her and say "you're disgusting"!
but I believe, one day, you will reap the rewards of what you did to me and all those who have felt the evil you! bear in mind!...

Rabu, 25 September 2013


I see the sincerity in them. :) I have never demanded anyone to be friends with me. sometimes I just can smile, when some people berate me and away from me because they do not know why, I am not a strong woman and do not have feelings. I was sad, I cried. but thanks you've noticed and get to know the real me without having me tell them what really happened. they are able to assess even feel what I feel.. thanks guys :)

one of many word from my best friend. thankyou bro! :d

Cerita Kecil Dalam Sebuah Perjalanan...
“Angka dalam kelahiranku ialah sebuah hal yang dibenci ramalan suku maya. Semua memprediksi sebuah bencana akan tercipta dihari ini. Namun aku berkata lain. Angka pada hariku ialah sebuah waktu dimana aku menimang umur disetiap tahunnya. Semua hal yang menjadikan kita terkurung. Keramahan yang terbungkus kemunafikan. Sebuah bunga yang kudapat ialah kamuflase pisau yang sewaktu-waktu bisa membunuhku kapan saja. Suara tajam berbagai teman ialah bukan hal tabu dan menjadikanku biasa. Andaikan Tuhan menciptakan dua buah kaki ajaib agar aku lekas melangkah jauh meninggalkan waktu ini. Aku tak khayalnya menjadi seorang yang berjalan diatas debu panas disekeliling. Atau untuk menjadi seorang yang menghadapi kesepian seorang diri. Tempat dimanaku lahir ialah sebuah harapan. Dimana persinggahan tubuh ini tak menerima dengan baik. Aku ialah seekor merpati kecil yang terbang seorang diri. Berlari mengubur masa lalu yang membuatku menguap. Terbang kemanapun aku berlabuh dibawah pengawasan tajam kedua merpati sebelumku dibelakang sayap. Atau mungkin tak lebih dari anak kangguru yang hanya punyai satu kamar pelabuhan. Kantung perut seorang ibu. Satu hal yang membuat jiwa ini terus tegar menyampaikan harapannya lewat doa, yakni iming-iming kerinduan akan senyum keabadian. Hingga mungkin kami meneteskan akhir cerita air mata, entah sampai kapan semua ini lekas bergegas...”

///Devi Cahya Permata///